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美['mʌskəˌriːn]  英['mʌskəriːn]
n.  [生化]蝇蕈碱;蕈毒碱


  1. Conclusions: There are receptors of gastrin, somatostatin and muscarine on the ECL cell surfaces. 结论:ECL细胞上存在胃泌素、生长抑素和毒草堿受体。
  2. Background/Aims: To appraise the influences of gastrin, somatostatin, muscarine and oral am-monia liquid on secretion of histamine by enterochromaffin cell-like (ECL) cells. 摘要目的:探讨胃泌素、生长抑素、毒草堿和氨对肠嗜铬样(ECL)细胞分泌组胺的影响。
  3. In the oral ammonia liquid group, secretion of histamine was reduced, and after regiving of gastrin and muscarine, the secretion of histamine remained in an inhibitory state. 口服氨水组鼠胃组胺分泌减少,再予胃泌素和毒草堿灌流,组胺分泌仍处于抑制状态。
  4. Results: After the gastric gavage of gastrin and muscarine of the control rats, secretion of histamine increased, whereas after gavage of somatostatin, histamine secretion decreased. 结果:对照组鼠胃灌流胃泌素和毒草堿后,组胺分泌增多;灌流生长抑素后,组胺分泌减少。
  5. Abstract: BACKGROUND: Muscarine receptor plays a key role in adjusting contraction of detrusor muscle cell, and M3R, isoforms of its receptor, can mediate contraction of detrusor muscle cell directly. 摘 要: 背景:毒蕈碱受体在调节逼尿肌细胞收缩过程中起重要作用;其受体亚型M3R直接介导逼尿肌细胞收缩.
  6. Muscarine Acetylcholine receptor M胆碱受体