X-ray film of the spinal cord and spinal nerve roots and subarachnoid space
What if the myelogram is normal? 但如果脊髓造影正常则意味着什么?
Lumbar spinal stenosis was diagnosed clinically and confirmed by myelogram or CT scan. 百分之87.;5的病人对手术的结果相当满意。
Conclusion:The general myelogram painting slides may find metastasis to bone marrow early in patients w... 结论:对明确诊断为恶性肿瘤的患者常规骨髓穿刺涂片可早期发现骨髓转移,有助于及时诊断及治疗。
A variety of tests, such as a myelogram or a fistulogram may be undertaken to determine how deep the sinus goes. 一系列的检测,例如骨髓成像或管摄影,可用于检查皮窦深入的程度。
Diagnosis of fibrocartilaginous infarct/embolism is based on the correct clinical signs and a normal myelogram. 根据临床表现和正常的脊髓造影,可以诊断为纤维软骨梗塞或栓塞。
Conclusion:MRI,Myelogram play a very important role in the diagnosis of sacral nerve root cysts. 结论:脊髓造影和MRI对本病诊断和鉴别诊断具有重要的临床价值;