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美[ˌmaɪoʊɪ'lektrɪk]  英['maɪəʊɪ'lektrɪk]
adj.  [生理]肌电的(亦作 myoelectrical)


  1. The myoelectric signals collected from vastus lateralis during repetitive knee flexion-extension exercise was analyzed. 分析了反复性的膝关节弯曲和伸展运动期间从股外侧肌所记录的表面肌电信号。
  2. Methods The changes of duodenum myoelectric activity were observed by electrophysiologic method. 方法采用电生理学方法,观察空白组、造模组及化滞组大鼠十二指肠肌电活动的变化。
  3. Objective To investigate the effect of Qingrehuazhi granule on duodenum myoelectric activity. 目的探讨清热化滞颗粒对十二指肠肌电活动的影响。
  4. RESULTS: There was no significant statistic difference in the myoelectric value of masti... 结论:咀嚼肌在头位左倾和右倾变化过程中所受影响不大。
  5. The myoelectric activities of cecum and proxmal loop of colon are short cycles of migrating myoelectric complex. 盲肠和结肠初袢的电活动,均为短周期移行性综合肌电。
  6. Obiective To observe the difference of gastric myoelectric activity between healthy pilots and ordinary volunteers. 目的观察健康飞行员的胃电活动特征并与普通自愿者比较。