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美  英
n.  默娜(f


  1. Do you remember Myrna, that girl I took out once? 你还记得那个叫莫娜的女孩吗,我和她有过一次约会的。
  2. Rothstein, Myrna S.Raeder, David Crump. 作者声明: by Paul F.
  3. Myrna,do you mind working evenings? (墨娜,你介意在晚上工作吗?)
  4. Myrna Shure discusses two primary-prevention programs designed to teach interpersonal problem-solving skills to young children. Myrna Shure讨论了两种相似的干预途径去教育孩子们解决个人问题。
  5. Circumstandes arent kind to Richard.But they certainly are hilarious when Cary Grant plays Richard,Myrna Loy is the judge and Shirley Temple is the teen. 但这些生活稳定的女记者却出于傲慢和对其妹妹感情的双重顾虑而拒绝接受画家的爱。
  6. We sat on the porch talking and laughing. Aunty Myrna, Kehau, and myself. War stories. A shared existence of lying on that table, cancer exposed, hoping for a miracle. 我、其浩、和玛娜婶婶三人坐在走廊上谈著、笑著、说著战争故事。躺在那桌上的是一种共同的存在。暴露出的癌细胞,期待著奇迹的出现。