"the old nativist prejudice against the foreign businessman" "the nativistic faith preaches the old values"
of or relating to or advocating nativism;
"nativist theories" "the traditional controversy between the nativistic and empiristic theories"
But Smith was a Catholic, a group that had inherited some of the nativist animus once aimed at Freemasons. 然而,史密斯是一个天主教徒,而天主教徒或多或少继承了一些曾经是针对互济会会员的本土主义敌对意识。
And if I'm honest with myself, I must admit that I'm not entirely immune to such nativist sentiments. 而且,说真心话,我必须得承认,这些本土主义的情绪并不是完全没有影响到我的。
It is probably safer to characterize the view that language development is biologically based as nativist. 路听听听听听听听听 THEREFORE; the word innate has a number of different meanings.
For some Republicans, and the small but loud nativist posse who hectored them, it made anything resembling an amnesty unpalatable. 对于一些共和党人,以及那些虽然人数不多,但叫的很凶的,胁迫着这些共和党人的那些本土主义者来讲,这个议题几乎等同于讨论那不可接受的移民大赦。
He rouses nativist crowds by fretting that America cannot be secure unless it is self-sufficient in food, energy and military hardware. 他鼓动本土主义者,说美国不可能安全,除非它在食物、能源和重型军事装备上自给自足。
The legitimacy of "nativist rule" has been undermined to boot.Sadly, the Democratic Progressive Party doesn't seem to give a damn. 本土政权的正当性遭如此摧残,可叹的是,民进党却表现得不以为意的样子。