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美['nævɑː]  英['nævɑː]
n.  导航雷达(无线电空中航行操纵系统)


  1. That PID is adjusted is that general closed cycle navar is so useful as to adjust method comparatively muchly. PID调节是一般闭环控制系统中用得较多的调节方法。
  2. Therefore, will have brought forward higher request to coal mining machine navar. 因此,对采煤机的控制系统就提出了更高的要求。
  3. PLC navar can carry out automatic monitoring on the building world, safety , comfort ensuring people living. PLC控制系统可以对楼宇进行自动监控,保障人们生活的安全、舒适。
  4. Cao S,Lerche I.Geohistory,thermal history and hydrocarbon generation history of Navar in basin Cost No.1 Well,Bering Sea,Alaska[J].Journal of Petroleum Geology,1989,12(3):325-352. 袁彩萍徐思煌.;西藏伦坡拉盆地地温场特征及烃源岩热演化史[J]
  5. Therefore, to the heavy calibre, glass fiber reinforced plastics pipeline and the container production facility and their navar optimization designs the research problem being that are one important. 因此,对大口径管道及容器的生产设备及其控制系统的优化设计是一项重要的研究课题。
  6. Enterprise is making great efforts to explore much better cost control method , requires that the cost navar has stronger function and to calculate cost of goods manufactured more accurate. 在这种背景下,现代的成本控制应运而生,无论是在观念或在所运用的手段方面,都与传统的成本控制系统有着显著的差异。