About cohesive zone model, you can find them in Needleman's paper. 尤其是裂纹怎样萌生。
Doctor Needleman says the presence of lead in the brain changes the neurons that control actions. Herbert Needleman博士说铅在大脑中的存在会引起控制行为的神经元的变化。
In the nineteen seventies, Doctor Needleman found lower scores on intelligence tests even in children who did not have such signs of lead poisoning. 在二十世纪七十年代,Needleman博士发现即使那些不具备这些铅中毒特征的儿童在智力测试上得分较低。
The newest research by Doctor Needleman shows that even very small amounts of lead in bones can affect brain development. Needleman博士所作的这项最新的调查表明骨骼中即使含有微量的铅也能影响大脑的发育。
Sources for history of lead poisoning:"History of Childhood Lead Poisoning"Herbert Needleman"Childhood Lead Poisoning: The Tortuous Path from Science to Policy"David C. 你可能会问为什么,为什么我们会在废除铅涂料这件事上比澳大利亚和许多欧洲国家晚了55年?