"a Nigerian novelist won the Nobel Prize for literature this year"
A census in 1980 revealed that approximately 6 percent of rural Nigerien men are wage earners. 1980年的一次人口调查披露,尼日尔的农村居民中,有将近6%25是挣工资者。
The picture on the left shows the happy Nigerien people under the sapphire-shaped water tower. 左图为蓝宝石状水塔下,尼百姓欢呼雀跃。
Caption :Dirkou market is awash with car-maintenance objects thanks to the heavy traffic from Libyan and Nigerien drivers plying the migration route. 描述:迪尔库到处都有汽车配件店,这要归功于尼日尔和利比亚司机在迁移路上的来回奔波。
The French constitution of 1946 allowed Nigerien assembly members to participate more actively in the political system, stimulating national political activity in Niger. 1946年的法国宪法允许尼日尔议会议员在政治上发挥更积极的作用,以此来刺激尼日尔国民的政治积极性。