"He swindled me out of my inheritance" "She defrauded the customers who trusted her" "the cashier gypped me when he gave me too little change"
make off with belongings of others
take away to an undisclosed location against their will and usually in order to extract a ransom;
"The industrialist's son was kidnapped"
disable by drugging;
"nobble the race horses"
He tried to nobble one of the juror. 他企图收买陪审团中一个陪审员。
He tried to nobble one of the jurors. 他企图收买陪审团中一个陪审员。
He tried to nobble one of the jurors . 他企图收买陪审团中一个陪审员。
On the contrary,some people look the money as the origion of all evils,many people,make all possible efforts as robbery,nobble,and even the corruption of some government officials, to persue money . 总之,我认为钱不过是商品交易的一种工具,它既能给人们带来幸福,也能给人们带来痛苦。