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美  英
sp.  非快速眼动


  1. a recurring sleep state during which rapid eye movements do not occur and dreaming does not occur; accounts for about 75% of normal sleep time


  1. All the epileptiform discharges were found in sleep,mostly in NREM. 睡眠期出现痫样放电占总数的70%25。
  2. These statistics were separately collected during non-rapid eye movement (NREM) and rapid eye movement (REM). 结果40例手术后患者在NREM及REM睡眠期的最大耐受压力均降低。
  3. The score of anxiety self-rating scale was positive relation with the arousal times , negative with the stage 4 of NREM and the REM sleep time . 急性焦虑障碍患者的异常睡眠现象为探讨该病的病理生理机制具有重要意义,值得与相关学科结合进一步研究。
  4. In severe OSAS,the mean duration of respiratory events in REM period is prolonged,so the RDI is decreased with no significant difference of the impairment to the respiratory and SaO 2 between the REM and NREM period. 重度组患REM期较NREM期RDI减少 ,但呼吸及血氧损害程度无显著变化 ,显然是REM期呼吸紊乱的平均持续时间延长所致
  5. a disorder of sleep characterized by a dream of terrifying dimensions far worse than a typical nightmare; they occur during NREM sleep. 做梦恐慌的一种病症。
  6. "Sleep is divided into two main types, REM (rapid-eye-movement) and NREM (non-REM); 睡眠主要有两种类型:REM(快速眼球运动)和NREM(非快速眼球运动)。