Many people think they are full of nubility,and like to play zhuangbility,which only reflect their shability. 那我们新来的怎么验你们啊?是不是打着欺负新来的旗帜?
One is always sure about his NuBility, so he likes to play ZhuangBlity, but it only proves his ShaBility. 一是始终把握nubility他,所以他很喜欢zhuangblity发挥,但它只能证明他shability 。
Some people think they are full of nubility and like to play zhuangbility, which only reflects their shability..... 喜欢的一时也想不出来,李湘倒是满讨我厌的。基本上讨厌太高调的人。
She always think she is full of nubility, and like to play zhuangbility, which only reflects her shability! 没错,马甲太多啦就乱上一通,而且是在同一时段集体上线轮番回复,别的论坛也是一样,玩过头了很容易露马脚的!
People who are zhuangbility want to show their nubility but only reflect their shabibility。 那些装逼的人,总想显摆他很牛逼,这不过说明他很傻逼吧了!