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美['nɜːsrɪˌmeɪd]  英['nɜːsrɪmeɪd]
n.  保姆


  1. Because their purpose to be a nurserymaid is just for funny or empty ,not for money. 家政公司的工作人员小朱向记者介绍。
  2. Just like me, I usually sleep at the midday until nurserymaid calls me to have lunch every day. 不要悄悄的来到我身边,当我触摸到你的面颊,真真切切感受到你存在的时候,没有再见,你就消失了。
  3. On the other hand,I think no one want to hire a wealthy lady to be their nurserymaid. “其实,有些雇主还是很愿意找有文化、有见识的人做保姆的。”
  4. Nurserymaid:The full-time employment housework-house cleaning,family cooking,taking care lf old people and babies 24hourse in house service. 护理服务:照顾老人、病人。无微不至的照顾、丰富的护理经验来帮助老人、病人的生活起居,让您放心。
  5. I do the work about nurserymaid substantially and ba familiar with managing housework ,look after the elder, children and handicapped people . 如今我在家专门照顾女儿的学习生活和公婆的晚年生活。
  6. Ricky: You hired a nurserymaid? 你雇了保姆?