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美  英
sp.  开放式应用体系结构


  1. I'll go on with the story where I left oaa last time. 我将接着上次继续往下讲(这故事)。
  2. Sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) are generally considered to utilize OAA, alcohol as carbon and energy source but not deplete hydrocarbon directly. 一般认为,硫酸盐还原菌(SRB)以有机酸、醇等为碳源和能源来生长和繁殖的,而不能直接利用烃类。
  3. Leaders applaud the efforts undertaken this year to update the OAA Part II and call for greater integration of Ecotech efforts with all APEC priority goals. 在这方面,领导人支持对高官会经济技术合作分委会的作用和权限进行审议,并希望这项工作能尽快取得进展。
  4. The transformer condition information scattered in different company departments is gathered through data mart and the structure of condition evaluation sub-system is built by using OAA. 该系统应用数据集市技术收集散布于企业不同部门的变压器状态信息;
  5. Office of the Arts Administrator - About OAA 艺术行政主任办公室简介
  6. OAA; Office of the assistant Executive Director; 助理执行主任办公室;