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美[əb'skjʊr]  英[əb'skjʊə(r)]
adj.  难解的;不著名的;微暗的;[语音学]轻音的
v.  使 ... 模糊;隐藏;变模糊
n.  模糊不清的东西
  副词:obscurely  比较级:obscurer  最高级:obscurest  名词:obscureness  过去式:obscured  过去分词:obscured  现在分词:obscuring  第三人称单数:obscures


  1. 晦涩的,难解的
  2. 无名的,微贱的,不出名的
  3. 偏僻的,隐匿的
  4. 黑暗的,暗的
  5. 朦胧的,模糊的,不清楚的
  6. 含糊不清的,含糊的
  7. 黑夜里的
  8. 阴(天)的
  9. 不引人注目的
  10. 不鲜明的,不鲜艳的
  11. 不明了的
  12. 暧昧的
  1. 使变暗,使失色,使(黑)暗,使阴暗
  2. 遮掩,遮蔽,隐藏起来
  3. 使难理解,使隐晦,使费解
  4. 混淆,搞混
  5. 使不显著
  6. 变模糊
  7. 使暧昧
  8. 使模糊,使含糊,使…模糊不清
  9. 成为含糊的元音
  1. 阴暗
  2. 朦胧,模糊
  3. 黑夜
  4. 暗淡


  1. 不出名的;不重要的 not well-known;unimportant
  2. 费解的;模糊不清的 hard to understand;not clear
  3. 不易看清的,暗淡的 not easily or clearly seen
  1. vt. 使模糊不清;掩盖 make difficult to see;hide sb/sth from view


  1. not clearly understood or expressed;

    "an obscure turn of phrase" "an impulse to go off and fight certain obscure battles of his own spirit" "their descriptions of human behavior become vague, dull, and unclear" "vague...forms of speech...have so long passed for mysteries of science"

  2. marked by difficulty of style or expression;

    "much that was dark is now quite clear to me" "those who do not appreciate Kafka's work say his style is obscure"

  3. difficult to find;

    "hidden valleys" "a hidden cave" "an obscure retreat"

  4. not famous or acclaimed;

    "an obscure family" "unsung heroes of the war"

  5. not drawing attention;

    "an unnoticeable cigarette burn on the carpet" "an obscure flaw"

  6. remote and separate physically or socially;

    "existed over the centuries as a world apart" "preserved because they inhabited a place apart" "tiny isolated villages remote from centers of civilization" "an obscure village"

  1. make less visible or unclear;

    "The stars are obscured by the clouds" "the big elm tree obscures our view of the valley"

  2. make unclear, indistinct, or blurred;

    "Her remarks confused the debate" "Their words obnubilate their intentions"

  3. make obscure or unclear;

    "The distinction was obscured"

  4. reduce a vowel to a neutral one, such as a schwa
  5. make undecipherable or imperceptible by obscuring or concealing;

    "a hidden message" "a veiled threat"


  1. obscure corner昏暗的角落
  2. obscure explanation模糊的解释
  3. obscure meaning意思模糊
  4. obscure mind令人费解的思想
  5. obscure position小职位
  6. obscure room阴暗的房间
  7. obscure sound模糊的声音


  1. The rules for the competition are somewhat obscure.比赛的规则有点让人费解。
  2. The reasons why he did it are obscure.他做那事的理由还不清楚。
  3. The report had been published in an obscure German journal.这个报道刊登在德国一家不著名的报纸上。
  4. He set the bed in an obscure corner.他把床放在一个昏暗的角落。
  1. The moon was obscured by clouds.月亮被云遮住了。
  2. Recent successes have obscured the fact that the company is still in trouble.近来的成功掩盖了公司仍旧处于困境中的事实。
  3. This language serves to disguise and obscure.这种话是用来文过饰非的。
  1. Hence things whichhave perplexed you and made the case more obscure have served to enlighten meand to strengthen my conclusions.因此,那些使你们大惑不解并且使案情更加模糊不清的事物,却会对我有所启发,并且能加强我的论断。