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美[əb'zɜːrv]  英[əb'zɜːv]
v.  观察;遵守;注意到;庆祝
  副词:observingly  过去式:observed  过去分词:observed  现在分词:observing  第三人称单数:observes


  1. 观察,观测
  2. 遵守,奉行
  3. 注意到,看到,注意,注视
  4. 庆祝,纪念,庆贺
  5. 监视
  6. 说,陈述意见,评述,简述,评论
  7. 通过观察认识到、知道
  8. 研究
  9. 起观察者的作用
  1. 言论
  2. 评论


  1. vt. 看到; 注意到 see and notice; look at with attention
  2. vt. & vi. 观察; 研究 examine carefully; watch carefully; study
  3. vt. 遵守; 遵循 pay attention to rules, etc.; follow in practice; keep
  4. vt. 评论; 评述; 讲 make a remark; say


  1. discover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of;

    "She detected high levels of lead in her drinking water" "We found traces of lead in the paint"

  2. make mention of;

    "She observed that his presentation took up too much time" "They noted that it was a fine day to go sailing"

  3. observe with care or pay close attention to;

    "Take note of this chemical reaction"

  4. watch attentively;

    "Please observe the reaction of these two chemicals"

  5. show respect towards;

    "honor your parents!"

  6. behave as expected during of holidays or rites;

    "Keep the commandments" "celebrate Christmas" "Observe Yom Kippur"

  7. follow with the eyes or the mind;

    "Keep an eye on the baby, please!" "The world is watching Sarajevo" "She followed the men with the binoculars"

  8. stick to correctly or closely;

    "The pianist kept time with the metronome" "keep count" "I cannot keep track of all my employees"

  9. conform one's action or practice to;

    "keep appointments" "she never keeps her promises" "We kept to the original conditions of the contract"


  1. observe the behaviour of birds观察鸟类行为
  2. observe the customs遵守风俗
  3. observe the discipline遵守纪律
  4. observe sb's instructions听从某人的指示
  5. observe the laws遵守法律
  6. observe the rules遵守规章
  7. observe one's birthday庆祝生日
  8. observe Christmas过圣诞节
  9. observe Easter过复活节
  10. observe Thanksgiving过感恩节
  1. observe accurately精细地观察
  2. observe anxiously焦急地说
  3. observe attentively〔carefully〕仔细地观察
  4. observe bluntly直爽地说
  5. observe closely密切地观察
  6. observe cogently颇有说服力地评述
  7. observe conscientiously自觉地遵守
  8. observe half-jokingly半开玩笑地说
  9. observe keenly敏锐地观察
  10. observe meticulously小心翼翼地观察
  11. observe narrowly狭隘地评论
  12. observe quietly静静地观察
  13. observe regretfully遗憾地说
  14. observe significantly意味深长地说
  15. observe strictly严格遵守
  16. observe studiously用心地观察
  1. observe as a holiday作为假日来庆祝
  2. observe from the point of view从这一观点来观察
  3. observe on〔upon〕对…发表意见,谈论
  4. observe nothing on the subject对这个问题没有发表什么看法


  1. We have to observe carefully what's going on there.我们必须仔细观察那里的动静。
  2. He made a telescope through which he could observe the stars.他做了个望远镜,用其观察星座。
  3. All citizens should observe traffic rules.每位公民都应该遵守交通规则。
  4. We should observe the proprieties.我们应该遵守礼节。
  5. If they have to leave home, they must wear a face mask and observe good personal hygiene.若外出,要佩戴口罩,注意个人卫生。


    observe的基本意思是对某人由于其国籍、信仰或职位所作出的建议性、命令性的事情或行为表示关注或尊重,即“看到”“注意到”“观察”“研究”,引申可指“评述”“论述”。observe也可作“遵循”“遵守”解,指谨小慎微、拘泥于礼仪或对某人怀有尊敬或崇拜的感情。observe还可用于表示(按传统习惯)“庆祝”“纪念”。 observe既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、由that或疑问词引导的从句作宾语,还可接以现在分词或不带to的动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语,可用于被动结构。observe有时还可用来引出直接引语。 observe用作不及物动词时,常与介词on〔upon〕连用。