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美[əb'truːʒən]  英[əb'truːʒən]
n.  强迫接受;强制;莽撞


  1. The obtrusion of his views was uncalled-for. 他的意见之强迫别人接受实在是不必要的。
  2. The obtrusion of his views was uncalled-for . 他的意见之强迫别人接受实在是不必要的。
  3. The obtrusion of her views was uncalled-for. 强迫别人接受她的意见实在是不必要的。
  4. I would like to say that you won't be hurt by my puerile obtrusion. 可是我总是掌控不好自己的声带,因为,这是要唱给你听的曲子。
  5. All sexual activities of Communist sex are spontaneous in moral development.There is no obtrusion or occupation and sex is natural and automatic. 共产性爱的一切性爱生活都在道德运化中自然发生,没有强求和占有,性爱自然而然。
  6. Then, the obtrusion of translators in literary translation is argued in detail from the choices on source text, the interpretation to the determination of translation strategies and the expression. 接下来,作者结合文学翻译中的例子,从原文文本的选择,理解,翻译策略的决定和创造性的表达这几个步骤较为详细的讨论了译者的介入问题。