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美['ɑːkjupaɪ]  英['ɒkjupaɪ]
vt.  占用;占领;从事;使忙碌;专心
  名词:occupier  过去式:occupied  过去分词:occupied  现在分词:occupying  第三人称单数:occupies


  1. 住在,居住,住进
  2. 租用,租赁
  3. 担任(职务),任职
  4. 占领,占据,侵占
  5. 使从事
  6. 占用(时间、空间等),占有
  7. 使忙碌,使忙于
  8. 使用(房屋、建筑)


  1. vt. 居住,拥有 live or be in possession of a house, farm, etc.
  2. vt. 占据; 担任 take and keep possession of towns, countries, etc. in war; hold the post of
  3. vt. 使从事 cause to engage in


  1. keep busy with;

    "She busies herself with her butterfly collection"

  2. live (in a certain place);

    "She resides in Princeton" "he occupies two rooms on the top floor"

  3. occupy the whole of;

    "The liquid fills the container"

  4. be on the mind of;

    "I worry about the second Germanic consonant shift"

  5. march aggressively into another's territory by military force for the purposes of conquest and occupation;

    "Hitler invaded Poland on September 1, 1939"

  6. require (time or space);

    "It took three hours to get to work this morning" "This event occupied a very short time"

  7. consume all of one's attention or time;

    "Her interest in butterflies absorbs her completely"

  8. assume, as of positions or roles;

    "She took the job as director of development" "he occupies the position of manager" "the young prince will soon occupy the throne"


  1. occupy an apartment住进住所
  2. occupy sb's attention引起某人的注意
  3. occupy a country占领一个国家
  4. occupy the front row of seats占据了前排位置
  5. occupy sb's house租用某人的房子
  6. occupy an important place发挥重要作用
  7. occupy an important post占据重要位置
  8. occupy sb's mind萦绕在某人的心头
  9. occupy most of the room塞满了空间
  10. occupy a place占据一方
  11. occupy some position担任某职务
  12. occupy sb's time占用某人的时间
  1. occupy busily忙着做
  2. occupy deeply深深地占据着
  3. occupy densely忙着做
  4. occupy extensively广泛地从事
  5. occupy fully忙得不可开交
  6. occupy mainly主要从事
  7. occupy profitably经营获利
  8. occupy profoundly全力从事
  9. occupy solely全力从事
  10. occupy strenuously强有力地占据着
  11. occupy wholly全力从事
  1. occupy about忙于,从事于
  2. occupy by troops军队占领
  3. occupy in忙于,从事于
  4. occupy oneself in sth从事〔忙于〕某事
  5. occupy in thinking沉思着
  6. occupy with全力从事
  7. occupy with chores忙于家务琐事
  8. occupy with literary work从事文学工作
  9. occupy with some work忙着做某项工作


  1. Is that seat occupied?那个座位有人吗?
  2. Reading occupies most of my free time.阅读占去了我大部分的闲暇时间。
  3. We occupy the farm and raise a lot of poultry.我们拥有这个农场并养着许多家禽。
  4. The enemy occupied the town.敌人占据了这个城镇。
  5. Our army won the battle and occupied the upland.我军在战斗中取得胜利并成功地占领了那片小高地。
  6. These people occupy an inferior position in local society.这些人在当地社会居于下等地位。
  7. Members of the group occupy positions of power in the country.那个组织的成员在该国从事着位高权重的工作。
  8. Her time is fully occupied with her three children.她的时间全部用在她的三个孩子身上了。
  9. She is now fully occupied with her homework.她现在在专心致志地做家庭作业。


    occupy的基本意思是指时间、空间、地点方面的占有,引申可用于指某人占据某个职位或发挥某种作用。 occupy只用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。occupy常用于occupy oneself in/with v -ing句型中表示“从事于”“忙于”,可用于被动结构。