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美['oʊdəlˌɪsk]  英['əʊdəlɪsk]
n.  (奥斯曼宫廷中的)女奴隶;婢妾


  1. a woman slave in a harem


  1. My obese odalisque was a drill instructor to my libido. 我那肥硕的女奴是直达我性欲的钻头。
  2. The nun was the odalisque, the priest was the eunuch. 修女是宫嫔,神甫是太监。
  3. Since then, the small Queen was imprisoned and even odalisque anyone bully her, but, she accompanied toys. 此后,这个小皇后就被幽禁了,连宫女都敢欺负她,只有她的玩具陪着。
  4. Maoyanshou a painter known for portraits of the odalisque, send gifts to the ladies came up to him, he would paint beautiful. 有个画工名叫毛延寿,给宫女画像的时候,宫女们送点礼物给他,他就画得美一点。
  5. Odalisque palace of the original, are generally not see the emperor, but by the painter painted a portrait Where have the discretion to select the emperor. 原来宫女进宫后,一般都是见不到皇帝的,而是由画工画了像,送到皇帝那里去听候挑选。
  6. And truly buried Zhu Yuanzhang himself and Ma and 46 Queen's minds Fei (a sacrifice odalisque said dozens of people 46 Princess burial) of the mysterious palaces, has long been inconclusive. 而真正埋葬朱元璋本人及马皇后和46位妃嫔(一说殉葬宫女数十人,46妃陪葬)的玄宫,长期以来一直没有定论。