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美['ɒfərɪŋz]  英['ɒfərɪŋz]
n.  提供之物


  1. something offered (as a proposal or bid)
  2. money contributed to a religious organization
  3. the verbal act of offering
  4. the act of contributing to the funds of a church or charity


  1. I'll accept 350 for the car, or nearest offer.我的汽车卖350英镑,可还价。
  2. We offered him the house for £35000.这所房子我们向他索价35000英镑。
  3. A 1000 reward has been offered for the return of the stolen painting.悬赏1000英镑寻找失窃的画。
  4. He stood to his offer of $100 and would not withdraw.他坚持要付100美元,不肯做丝毫让步。
  5. I'll offer you 10 pounds for this book.我出10 磅钱买你这本书。
  6. A collection of offerings at a religious service.奉献金在宗教仪式上收集的捐赠
  7. A list or itemized display, as of titles, course offerings, or articles for exhibition or sale, usually including descriptive information or illustrations.一览表名单或逐条列记的陈列,如题目、课程或者供展览或出售的物品,通常包括描述性的信息或插图
  8. The price drop greatly on account of large offerings from other source.由于来自其他方面的大量报盘,价格已严重下跌。