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n.  地球物理观测卫星


  1. Click here to order this l Network ogo and make it your own today. 这里点击命令这个商标 并且今天做它您自己。
  2. Benzene and toluene might be convenient solvents but not ideal ones for growing OGO crystals. 苯和甲苯可作为晶体生长的溶剂,但不是理想的溶剂。
  3. Dioctadecyl glutarate (OGO) was synthesized by esterification method.The sample of crystals was characterized by DSC,XRD and IR spectroscopy. 本文合成了有机晶体材料戊二酸十八酯(OGO),对其样品进行了表征和鉴定。
  4. The solubility curves of OGO in both solvents were measured.The growth conditions of crystals in toluene were discussed. 测定了OGO在苯和甲苯中的溶解度曲线,讨论了OGO在甲苯中的晶体生长条件。
  5. The experiment results of crystallinity in some organic solvents showed that there was a strong tendency to spontaneous nucleation in the solution of OGO. 对OGO在多种有机溶剂中的结晶性能进行了研究,结果表明在实验的几种有机溶剂中OGO的成核趋势很强,在甲苯和苯中具有较好的结晶特性。
  6. eH hE SHOUld ogo back o h.....to his paint!!!! 偶靠啊!!!这人真没法做了啊!!!