any of a series of triclinic feldspars that form rocks
The plagioclase contains albite, oligoclase, andesine, laboratories, bytownite and anorthite. 钠长石、更长石、中长石、拉长石、培长石和钙长石属于斜长石大类。
Latites contain plagioclase feldspar (andesine or oligoclase) as large, single crystals (phenocrysts) in a fine-grained matrix of orthoclase feldspar and augite. 安粗岩中包含斜长石(中长石或奥长石),是在正长石和普通辉石组成的细粒基质中的大单晶体(斑晶)。
The Shancaoyu Formation is dominated by biotite- oligoclase granulitite,whose protolith is argillo-arenaceous sedimentary rocks containing small amounts of intermediate-acid volcanic rocks,with a zircon U-Pb concordia upper intercept age of 2498 Ma. 山草峪组以黑云更长变粒岩为主,其原岩为含少量中酸性火山岩成分的泥、砂质沉积岩,测得锆石 U-Pb一致曲线上交点年龄为2498Ma;