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美[oʊ'peɪknɪs]  英[əʊ'peɪknɪs]
n.  不透明性;蔽光性


  1. incomprehensibility resulting from obscurity of meaning
  2. the quality of being opaque to a degree; the degree to which something reduces the passage of light


  1. Saudi Arabia obscures its vulnerability by opaqueness. 沙特阿拉伯人以其神秘莫测来掩饰其脆弱。
  2. Aerosol optical depth is a measure of the opaqueness of air, and high values of AOD indicate poor visibility. 气溶胶光学厚度AOD量度大气的透明度。高数值表示能见度较低。
  3. Opaqueness, on the other hand, would hinder anticipation, adaptation, and evolution of complex vivisystems altogether. 相反,浑浊却会完全阻碍复杂的活体系统的预测、适应以及进化。
  4. He may experience large sectors of the social world as incomprehensible, perhaps oppressive in their opaqueness, but real nonetheless. 他也许经验了很大一部分无法理解的社会世界,也许为了其中模糊的意义感到苦恼,但无论如何,社会世界依然为实在的。
  5. There was also smog, or haze, or some version of atmospheric opaqueness for which the International Olympic Committee has yet to invent a word. 这儿也有雾,或者是霾,或者大气不透明现象其他版本的说法,为此国际奥委会仍然在绞尽脑汁寻找新的名词。
  6. But given the nature and scale of the Internet and the opaqueness of the Chinese authorities, it is extremely difficult estimate its extent. 网上流传关于所谓政府隐瞒不报地震“预报”的阴谋说,实际上经不起推敲。