He expresses at the same time, giant can buy a net to swim only your work, did not buy the plan of opuscule. 他同时表示,巨人只会收购网游大作,没有收购小作品的计划。
Architectural opuscule is an integrant and indispensable part of the landscape.It contains application and appreciation.If used properly, it can have wonderful function. 摘要建筑小品作为景观的构成要素之一,是景观中必不可缺少的一部分,它集实用与观赏于一体,若使用得法,有点睛之妙。
all kinds of springs and unique opuscule, as if they are made by the nature; 亭台楼榭,流光溢彩,以优雅的景观铺排出来自地中海的千年仪仗。