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美  英
sp.  奥廖尔[苏联西部城市](在莫斯科之南)


  1. But as soon as he reached Orel, he fell ill. 但是,他刚一抵达奥廖尔,就生病了。
  2. During the whole period of his convalescence in Orel, Pierre had enjoyed the feeling of joyful freedom and life. 皮埃尔在奥廖尔的整个康复期间,亲身体会到自由和生活的乐趣;
  3. His head steward came to him in Orel, and with him Pierre went into a general review of his financial position. 他的总管来到奥廖尔见他,于是皮埃尔和他一道对已经变化了的收入作了大致的计算。
  4. Hitler would have none of it particularly as the Soviets had launched a new counter offensive in the Orel sector. 曼施坦因对希特勒的这种做法大发雷霆,并认为应当做最后的一次努力,德国就一定能赢得战争。
  5. In 1919 Denikin launched a major offensive toward Moscow, but his forces were defeated by the Red Army at Orel. 1919年邓尼金向莫斯科进军,但在奥廖尔(Orel)被红军(Red Army)击溃,乃率残部撤退。
  6. Considering the future application, we have designed a DRM-supported system for play back digital content securely with OREL engine. 考虑到未来的实际应用,我们使用OREL处理引擎设计并初步实现了一个支持DRM的数字内容安全播放系统。