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美  英
n.  奥维多白葡萄酒(产于意大利中部翁布里亚山区)


  1. Orvieto has many more miracles for you to discover. 奥维多还有着很多的奇迹等待着你去发觉。
  2. Book online the cheapest hotels in Orvieto - low prices and high discounts. 网上预定在 Orvieto 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。
  3. Just over an hour by train from Rome, Orvieto is a popular destination for day-trippers from the capital. 距罗马坐火车仅有1个小时的路程,奥维多成了首都那些当天结束旅程游客们的首选。
  4. Because of its mountaintop setting, Orvieto has managed to preserve its architectural and historical integrity. 因为坐落在山顶,奥维多很好的保存了古建筑和其它历史遗迹。
  5. Peppino had a little spare time, so he had a game of mora with the facchini, lost three crowns, and then to console himself drank a bottle of Orvieto. 庇皮诺闲得无事,便和闲汉们玩骰子,输了三个艾居,为了安慰自己,喝了一瓶奥维多酒。
  6. The content of this page is from the ORVIETO port or ORVIETO customs import and export company directory; 本页面内容主要是来自ORVIETO港口或ORVIETO海关的进出口公司目录;