The dynamic monitoring showed that plasma osmolality was associated with the used mannitol dosage. 动态监测显示血浆渗透压与甘露醇用量有关。
Most cases of hyponatremia are associated with low serum osmolality (so-called hypo-osmolar hyponatremia). 大多数低钠血症的病人血清渗透压降低(所谓的低渗性低钠血症)。
Plasma osmolality levels returned to normal after forced hydration and administration of a vasopressin analogue. 在给予充分水分及血管降压素后,这个病人的血浆透压回到正常的范围内。
The correlation analysis was used to compare the serum osmolality levels and serum creatinine values between the two groups. 将两组患者的血浆渗透压与血清肌酐值进行相关分析。
Sodium concentration and osmolality in the intravascular and interstitial spaces equilibrate across the vascular membrane. 钠离子浓度和血管内渗透压以及组织间隙渗透压通过血管膜保持平衡。
Acute changes in serum sodium will produce free water shifts into and out of the vascular space until osmolality equilibrates in these compartments. 血清钠急剧变化将引起自由水进出血管,直到各部分渗透压达到平衡。