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美['ɒvjʊlə]  英['ɒvjʊlə]
adj.  胚珠的;卵子的


  1. being or of the nature of an ovule
  2. of or relating to an ovum


  1. A central ring creates an ovular oculus which is the center-point of the space. 一个中心环状横梁在整个空间的中央建造了一个圆形舞台。
  2. The clinical symptom is irregular menstrual cycle, heavy menstruation or vaginal bleeding.It is divided into ovular type and anovular type. 临床主要表现为月经周期、经期、经量的异常,如月经周期长短不一、经期延长、经量过多或不规则阴道出血。
  3. The feature of ovular uterine bleeding disorder is regular menstrual cycle with short cycle, abnormal heavy menstruation, longer period but self ceasing. 有排卵子宫异常出血月经周期相对有规律,主要表现为周期缩短、经量异常增多、经期较长但能自止。
  4. The gynoecium is composed of a single carpel. (1) In tile series developmental sections of ovary, the ovular primordium was initiated on the adaxial meristem when tile mouth of ovary was formed. (4)从子房发育过程的切片看,该植物的胚珠是在子房发生后不久发生的,子房上的圆孔形成时,从近轴侧的分生组织发生胚珠原基,由胚珠原基分化出珠被与珠心。
  5. A Study on the Dynamics of Starch During Ovular Development in Barley 大麦胚珠发育中淀粉动态的研究
  6. A Study on the Dynamics of Polysaccharose during Ovular Development in Tugarinovia mongolica 革苞菊胚珠发育过程中多糖动态的研究