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美['pækə]  英['pækə]
n.  [动]无尾刺豚鼠


  1. large burrowing rodent of South America and Central America; highly esteemed as food


  1. Panel acoustic contribution analysis(PACA) is an advanced engineering tool to improve the NVH quality of vehicle. 面板声学贡献度分析是汽车NVH特性研究的重要内容,识别各面板对车内场点的贡献度对于控制车内噪声有着重要意义。
  2. Li vizitis Japanion por la 25-a datreveno de la subskribado de la paca traktato inter la du landoj. 他为两国签署和平协定25周年纪念访问了日本。
  3. Guide des Ressources Documentaires en PACA - Instrument de travail permettant une recherche dans les collections documentaires. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
  4. ZHANG Yang-de,LIU Jin-bo.The research and development of nano-particle of polyalkyl-cyanocraylate(PACA) [J ].China Modenr Medicine,2003,13(4) :31 - 32. [4]张阳德;刘金波.;聚氰基丙烯酸烷酯纳米粒的研究进展[J]
  5. Conclusion: PACA could reveal the source of word naming difficulty and help us to analyze and identify the impaired level of word processing in word naming. 语音输出词典有关测验表明语音输出词典的损害比语义认知更严重。词复述和非词复述正常,提示词典后加工正常。
  6. A large nocturnal burrowing rodent of the genus Cuniculus, found in South and Central America and similar to the agouti, especially the spotted species C. paca that lives on plants and fruit and is hunted for its edible flesh. 无尾刺豚鼠一种夜间打洞的天竺鼠属大啮齿目动物,产于中美洲和南美洲,和刺豚鼠类似,尤指有斑点的种类加拿大无尾刺豚鼠,依靠植物和水果为生,因其肉可食而被捕猎