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美[pæk]  英[pæk]
n.  一群;一副;包裹;一包
v.  包装;解雇;塞满;收拾行李;佩戴
  形容词:packable  名词:packability  过去式:packed  过去分词:packed  现在分词:packing  第三人称单数:packs


  1. (野兽,飞禽等的)一群
  2. (童子军等的)一队,(战舰、车辆等的)一群
  3. <常贬>一伙,一帮
  4. 大量
  5. 装罐量,包装量
  6. 包,包裹,背包,降落伞包
  7. 包(包装货物的计量单位)
  8. 包装,包装法,包装材料
  9. (海洋中的)流冰群,浮冰群
  10. <英>(纸牌的)一副
  11. <美>小包,小盒,箱,袋,包装容器
  12. (穿在靴内的)鹿皮鞋,软皮鞋
  1. 加工包装,把...装入容器
  2. 使挤在一起,挤满,塞满
  3. 填封
  4. 打包,装箱,整理行装
  5. 压紧,捣实
  6. <美口>经常携带
  7. 使成群,使成堆,聚集
  8. 送走,打发走
  9. 备有,含有
  10. 结束,停止
  11. 能被包装,适于装运
  12. 驮运货物或装备
  13. (匆匆)离开,带着行李离开
  14. 安插自己人充任
  15. <古>(为作弊而)洗(牌),做(牌)
  1. 适用于包装的,适用于打包的
  2. 用于驮运东西的
  3. 成包的,成捆的,包装好的
  4. (动物)驯良的
  5. <苏格兰>亲密的,有好的


  1. [C]包裹,背包 number of things wrapped or tied together for carrying; bag
  2. [C]小纸盒,小纸包 smaller paper or cardboard container in which goods are packed for selling
  3. [C]一群,一队 group of wild animals that hum together; organized group
  4. [C]一帮,一伙,一堆 number of people or things
  5. [C]一副 a complete set of playing cards
  1. vt. & vi. 捆扎; 收拾行李 put together in a bundle, box, etc.
  2. vt. 塞进; 拥进 fit, crush, push people, things into a space
  3. vi. 装箱 be able to be put into a container for transport of storing
  4. vt. & vi. (使)形成硬块 (cause sth to) form a hard compact mass
  5. vt. 携带,佩带 carry sth; be equipped with sth
  6. vt. 挑选…使之偏袒自己 choose sb so that they are likely to decide in one's favour


  1. a large indefinite number;

    "a battalion of ants" "a multitude of TV antennas" "a plurality of religions"

  2. a complete collection of similar things
  3. a convenient package or parcel (as of cigarettes or film)
  4. an association of criminals;

    "police tried to break up the gang" "a pack of thieves"

  5. an exclusive circle of people with a common purpose
  6. a group of hunting animals
  7. a cream that cleanses and tones the skin
  8. a sheet or blanket (either dry or wet) to wrap around the body for its therapeutic effect
  9. a bundle (especially one carried on the back)
  1. arrange in a container;

    "pack the books into the boxes"

  2. fill to capacity;

    "This singer always packs the concert halls" "The murder trial packed the court house"

  3. compress into a wad;

    "wad paper into the box"

  4. carry, as on one's back;

    "Pack your tents to the top of the mountain"

  5. set up a committee or legislative body with one's own supporters so as to influence the outcome;

    "pack a jury"

  6. have with oneself; have on one's person;

    "She always takes an umbrella" "I always carry money" "She packs a gun when she goes into the mountains"

  7. press tightly together or cram;

    "The crowd packed the auditorium"

  8. hike with a backpack;

    "Every summer they are backpacking in the Rockies"

  9. press down tightly;

    "tamp the coffee grinds in the container to make espresso"

  10. seal with packing;

    "pack the faucet"

  11. have the property of being packable or of compacting easily;

    "This powder compacts easily" "Such odd-shaped items do not pack well"

  12. load with a pack
  13. treat the body or any part of it by wrapping it, as with blankets or sheets, and applying compresses to it, or stuffing it to provide cover, containment, or therapy, or to absorb blood;

    "The nurse packed gauze in the wound" "You had better pack your swollen ankle with ice"


  1. carry pack带包
  2. cut pack切牌
  1. back pack背包
  2. ice pack浮冰
  1. pack for Beijing整理去北京的行李
  2. pack sth for market包装好某物准备上市
  3. pack in box用盒装
  4. pack in cans制成罐头
  5. pack sth in trunk把…装进箱
  6. pack into auditorium挤进礼堂
  7. pack into hall挤进大厅
  8. pack with用…塞满
  9. pack sth with clothes把衣物装进…
  1. pack clothes装衣物
  2. pack sandwich包三明治
  3. pack suitcase收拾手提箱
  4. pack trunk装箱
  1. pack closely摆满了
  2. pack compactly紧凑地塞进
  3. pack easily容易装运
  4. pack professionally专业包装
  5. pack scientifically科学地包装
  6. pack securely装得很牢
  7. pack away收拾,吃
  8. pack away books把书收起来
  9. pack away from把…从…打发走
  10. pack away things整理〔包扎〕东西
  11. pack in把…塞入,吸引大量(观众)
  12. pack off寄掉,匆促地离开,把…打发走
  13. pack out填满,挤满
  14. pack sth together把某物扎在一起
  15. pack up捆好东西,收拾工具,停止工作
  16. pack up clothes收拾衣物


  1. The hare could find no safety, a pack of jackals had it in the wind.野兔无处逃生,一群豺狗在追踪它。
  2. He rounded on journalists, calling them 'a pack of vultures'.他突然对记者们大发雷霆,称他们是一帮贪婪的家伙。
  3. A pack of cards has been spread on the table.一副牌在桌被传播了。
  4. Try to pair this card with one exactly the same from the other pack.设法从另一副牌中取出一张和这张完全一样的牌。
  5. The traveler took out a bottle of water from the pack on his back.那位旅行者从他的背包中拿出了一瓶水。
  6. To carry care to bed is to sleep with a pack on your back.带着担忧上床睡觉,就彷佛是躺在包裹上睡觉。
  7. He paid $4 for a pack of cigarettes.他花了4美元买了包烟。
  1. In order to avoid any possible damage in transit, we would ask you to pack the goods in strong but small wooden cases.为避免运送过程中的任何损坏,我方希望贵方用牢固且小巧的木箱来包装这些货物。
  2. Please don't crease the blouse when you pack it.包装时请不要将衬衫弄绉了。
  3. He was told by the boss to pack up.老板把他解雇了。
  4. This case is full, I can't pack any more clothes in.这箱子已装满, 我塞不进更多的衣服。
  5. I want to go to Shanghai,so I pack my luggage.我要去上海
  6. I crawled into my tent to pack my things up.我爬进帐篷去收拾我的东西。


    pack的基本意思是“包裹,背包”,指专为背负而包扎的包裹或驮物等,形状可大可小,是可数名词。 pack也可作“小纸包,小纸盒”解,尤用于美国,为可数名词。 pack也可指野兽或骑马狩猎用的猎狗的“一群”,引申可指作战舰艇或飞机的“一队”,也可指橄榄球运动中的“全体前锋”。pack还可作“一帮,一伙,一堆”解,用于人时常有贬义。 pack还可指纸牌的“一副”。 pack作为表示“量”的名词常用于a pack of结构中,其后多接复数名词,用作主语时其谓语动词多用单数形式,也可用复数形式。
    pack的基本意思是“捆扎,包装,把…打成包”“装箱”。引申可作“装填,塞满”“挤满”“(使)形成硬块”“携带,佩带”等解,用于比喻还可指“挑选(委员等)使之偏袒自己”。 pack可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语,有时也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词for的宾语。 pack off的意思是“运走,打发掉”; pack up的意思是“收拾行李,收拾好”。 pack用作不及物动词时,以物作主语,其主动形式含有被动意义。