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美['pædlɚ]  英['pædlɚ]
n.  涉水者;涉泥浆者;划独木舟者


  1. someone paddling a canoe


  1. I can easily bring down the paddler. 我一枪就可打中划船人。
  2. Please first fill in data of the Team Caption in the first box, but indicate Position as paddler / drummer/ steersman. 第一格请先填写队长资料,但请填岗位为桨手、鼓手、或舵手。
  3. III.Inadequately supported decks which collapse on a paddler’s legs when a decked boat is pinned by water pressure. III.;当船被水压钉住,不适当地支撑着的覆盖物倒下压住你的腿。
  4. Please first fill in data of the Team Caption in the first box, but also indicate Position as paddler / drummer/ steersman. 第一格请先填写队长资料,但请同时填岗位为桨手、鼓手、或舵手。
  5. This means that if the kayak capsizes it will not fill with water and the paddler can, with a manoeuvre known as an "Eskimo roll", right the boat again. 这就意味着如果皮艇翻了,它也不会进水,而桨手可以用一种叫做“爱斯基摩翻滚”的动作,再把船给正过来。
  6. Made of sealskin stretched over a framework of whalebone or driftwood, an Eskimo Kayak is completely enclosed except for the opening in which the paddler sits. 红字部分是什么意思?