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美[ˌpeɪliːoʊɪ'kɒlədʒiː]  英[pælɪəʊiː'kɒlədʒɪ]
n.  古生态学
  形容词:paleoecological  名词:paleoecologist


  1. the branch of ecology that studies ancient ecology


  1. Sometimes the subject is divided into paleobotany, the study of fossil plants, paleozoology, the study of fossil animals, and PALEOECOLOGY. 有时将古生物学分为古植物学(植物化石研究)、古动物学(动物化石研究)以及古生态学。
  2. From study of paleoecology of reeef body, recognition of cyanophyta and calcisponge community was made, and their evolution was discussed. 通过对礁体古生态的研究,识别出蓝绿藻群落和钙质海绵群落,并阐述了其演化过程。
  3. Orlaith N.Fraser of the Research Center in Evolutionary Anthropology and Paleoecology at Liverpool John Moores University in England. 她说:“这实在很有趣”,因为这种行为只有在冲突后才会发生。
  4. Paleoecology is the study of the ecology of fossil organisms. Ecologists frequently concentrate on particular taxonomic groups or on specific environments. 古生态学是研究化石种类的生态学,为生态学中重要的一支。生态学家常常集中研究某些特定种类的生物,也专门研究某种具体的环境。
  5. The paleoenviroment of Dongying Sag is studied by focusing on the features of Ostracoda fossil community and paleoecology, especially the dominance(dm) and diversity(Hs)of Ostracoda. 本文通过分析介形类化石组合与生态特征,结合优势度与信息函数分异度分析,进而探讨东营凹陷的古环境。
  6. The assemblage characteristics, distribution and paleoecology of ostracods in the Fuyu and Yangdachengzi oil horizons in the Sanzhao area, Songliao basin, have been studied systematically. 笔者较系统地对松辽盆地三肇地区扶余油层和杨大城子油层(以下简称扶、杨油层)介形类的组合特征、分布范围以及古生态进行了研究。