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美[ˌpeɪlɪ'ɒgrəfɪ]  英[ˌpeɪlɪ'ɒgrəfɪ]
n.  古文字学
  形容词:paleographic  名词:paleographer


  1. the study of ancient forms of writing (and the deciphering of them)


  1. Abstract: As a well-known contemporary historian, archeologist and expert in the study of paleography and document. 摘 要: 作为当今负有盛名的历史学家、考古学家、古文字学家和文献学家,李学勤先生早期的治学经历却十分独特。
  2. It is really regret in the research on Paleography, especially on Zhan Guo wordage. 这些不能不说是古文字研究尤其是战国文字研究的遗憾和缺失。
  3. On the basis of philological and paleography evidence, he concluded its date is about the end of the third century A. 基于语言学和古文书学证据,他推论它的日期大约是公元后第三世纪末。
  4. Translation research and practice need discourse analysis,so does translation of the Chinese medical paleography. 翻译研究与实践中离不开语篇意识,医古文翻译同样要体现语篇意识。
  5. The new knowledge of the facies indicating significance of foraminifers is the key to the understanding of the Cenozoic paleography of China. 全面认识有孔虫的指相意义是理解中国新生代古地理的关键之一。
  6. His research focused on ancient Chinese grammar, rhetoric, doctrine, inscription on bronze, bones and shells and paleography etc. 他在古汉语语法、修辞、训诂、金甲文字和汉书等方面造诣极深,创获很多。