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美[ˌpænsaɪtə'piːniːə]  英[pænsaɪtə'piːnɪə]
n.  [医]全血细胞减少症;各类血细胞减少


  1. an abnormal deficiency in all blood cells (red blood cells and white blood cells and platelets); usually associated with bone marrow tumor or with aplastic anemia


  1. Aplastic anemia is a syndrome of bone-marrow failure characterized by peripheral pancytopenia and marrow hypoplasia. 再生障碍性贫血是骨髓造血功能衰竭所引发的一种综合症,其特征是周边各类血细胞减少、骨髓再生不良。
  2. No.1 : Severe alopecie and progressive pancytopenia: is exacerbation for the patient with systemic lupus erythematosus? 第1例严重脱发和骨髓抑制:是系统性红斑狼疮加重吗?
  3. There were thrombocytosis in 34 cases(44.2%), neutropenia in 28(36.3%),anema in 12(15.6%),thrombocytopenia in 2(2.6%) and pancytopenia in 1(1.3%). 主要有外周血血小板增多34例(44.;2%25);粒细胞减少症28例(36
  4. Therefore she was discharged and being followed at OPD.However she was readmitted 2 days later due to fever and pancytopenia. 然而两天后患者因发烧、泛血球低下而再度入院,进一步检查出病人罹患克列伯氏肺炎球菌肺炎及骨髓分化不良症候群。
  5. Although relapse was common, severe pancytopenia usually did not recur.Other hematologic diseases, including monosomy 7, developed in 13 patients. 虽然复发常见,但通常不会再发生严重全部血球减少,其它血液疾病,包括单倍体 7,发生于13名患者中。
  6. Major complications during or following therapy were severe pancytopenia, ileus, sepsis or pneumonia, delayed wound healing and tumor rupture with hemorrhage. 治疗当中主要的合 并症有严重的泛血球减少症(pancytopenia),术后黏连性或麻痹性肠阻塞(adhesive or paralytic ileus),败血症或肺炎,伤口愈合不良;