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美['pænəkɪn]  英['pænɪkɪn]
n.  小盘;小锅;小杯


  1. a small pan or cup (usually of tin)


  1. One pannikin Chinese cabbage half thin toast an apple or orange. 一小盘白菜半片薄烤面包一个苹果或桔子。
  2. Regrettablly is, be in ursine city commonly prices when, investor can be far from these pannikin. 可惜的是,一般在熊市行情的时候,投资者都会远离这些小盘股。
  3. He pushed his pannikin aside, took up his hunk of bread in one delicate hand and his cheese in the other, and leaned across the table so as to be able to speak without shouting. 他推开菜盘,一只细嫩的手撮起面包,另一只手抓起干酪,身体弯过桌子,好不必喊着说话。
  4. Quantity of lift a ban sheds all-around more than and market prise tall look forward to, showed the trait of this company: Pannikin high price. 解禁量超过流通盘而且市值高企,显示了该公司的特征:小盘高价股。
  5. Second line is to point to smaller than a gleam of meaning, compare grail namely small stock is not pannikin, even outstanding achievement supports, for second line blue prepare. 二线是指比一线小的意思,就是比大盘股小的股票又不是小盘股,还要有业绩支持的,为二线蓝筹股。
  6. When the boss carries ripe shrimp, the client is pursy brows, say: "Boss, I give two jins of your bright shrimp fully a bowl big, how to thoroughly cook so one pannikin? 当老板端来熟虾时,顾客皱起了眉头,说:“老板,我交给你两斤鲜虾足足一大碗呢,怎么煮熟了就这么一小盘?”