The larvae of flies parasitize earthworms. 蝇的幼虫寄生在蚯蚓上。
Eperythrozoonosis is a zoonosis when Eperythrozoon parasitize surface of red blood cell,plasma and marrow. 附红细胞体病是由附红细胞体寄生于红细胞表面、血浆及骨髓所引起的一种人兽共患传染病。
Mycoparasite fungi can parasitize other fungi and have immense potential to control fungal pathogens. 菌寄生真菌能寄生在其他真菌并抑制其生长这一特性,在防治病原真菌时显示巨大潜力。
Objective:Human papillomavirus are small, spiral,double-stranded DNA tumor viruses that parasitize squamous epithelium. 目的:人类乳头瘤病毒是一种高度螺旋化的双链环状致瘤DNA病毒,寄生于鳞状上皮。
The entomogenous fungus Aschersonia aleyrodis can naturally parasitize homopterous insects such as whiteflies and scale insects. 粉虱座壳孢菌系同翅目害虫粉虱和介壳虫的病原真菌。
Any of various minute wasps of the superfamily Chalcidoidea, many of whose larvae parasitize the larvae of other insects. 小蜂小蜂总科的一种体态微小的蜂虫,许多此类昆虫的幼虫寄生于其他昆虫的幼虫内