Rendered in white Parian marble, the figure[5]originally formed part of the Sanctuary of the Great Gods. 以灰白色的大理石为基底,胜利女神像构成了这了不起的圣所最初的部份。
The food habits of 256 Anguilla japonica sampled monthly or bimonthly in 1987 from Qiulu stream in Parian county in Fujian province were stu- died in this experiment. 本试验于1987年每月或隔月从福建莆田获芦溪采集日本鳗鲡(Anguilla japonica)共256尾进行该种的食性研究。
On coop or kennel he hangs Parian wreaths; 给鸡笼和狗窝挂上白色的花环