Graduallyhis business was becoming larger and better owingto the patrimonial art and his circumspect servicewith fine launder skill, and the name of Aunt Maryspread very fast. 祖传的技艺以及玛丽良好的服务和洗衣技术,业务很快拓展开来,“玛丽阿姨”之名不径而走。
The romanticism of mediterranean sea,the resplendence of Revival of Learning and the nostalgia of Napoli, all these come from the patrimonial music of Napoli. 地中海的浪漫,文艺复兴的辉煌,拿波里的乡情,一切都精粹于拿波里传世的民歌中。
In the traditional period, the patrimonial bureaucracy empire implemented simple administrative supervision because of the limit of government cost and technique. 传统时期,出于统治成本的考虑和统治技术的限制,家产官僚帝国实行的是粗放式的行政管理。