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美['pɔːlɪn]  英['pɔːlɪn]
n.  焦油帆布


  1. Jane:Paulin,what's Ron Marston like? 简:波淋,朗.;马顿是怎样一个人?
  2. Paulin is survived by three children from two marriages. 波林在两次婚姻中得到了3个孩子。
  3. Back then, his Paulin Motor Company VR Concept was anticipated for 2012. 当时,他的保汽车公司虚拟现实的概念是预计2012年.
  4. Born in Paris on July 9, 1927, Paulin was influenced by Japanese drawing and American designers Charles and Ray Eames. 1927年7月9日生于巴黎的波林,受到了日本美术和美国设计师查理斯和雷.;埃姆斯的影响。
  5. He will be cremated Tuesday after a private ceremony in Nimes, southern France, his son Benjamin Paulin said. 波林的儿子本杰明说,他的尸体将会在周二私人纪念仪式之后,在法国南部城市尼姆火葬。
  6. Paulin, who passed away on Saturday, was a well-known figure in the world of French design for over half a century. 波林,一位在法国设计界享誉盛名半个世纪之久的设计师,在周六逝世了。