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美[piːdoʊ'dɒntɪk]  英[piːdəʊ'dɒntɪk]
adj.  <美>[医]儿童牙科的


  1. Because very few detailed case reports have appeared in dental literature, we report two cases of chickenpox from our pedodontic service. 由于水痘症为病毒感染疾病,治疗方式为症状性疗法,并防止续发性感染。
  2. Behavior management is the characteristics of the pedodontic department at Taipei Medical University. This training program is very famous in the world. 儿童行为管理是北医儿童牙医学之特色,在国内外牙医界颇富盛名,其专科训练扎实也是牙医界所称道。
  3. This is second floor. The prosthodontic Dept. and pedodontic Dept. is in this floor. Prosthodontic Department is for full dentures, partial dentures and fixed bridges and crown. 这是二楼,二楼有修复科和儿科。修复科主要是镶假牙科室,可以做全口总义齿,局部义齿和固定冠桥。
  4. 1.This is second floor. The prosthodontic Dept. and pedodontic Dept. is in this floor. Prosthodontic Department is for full dentures, partial dentures and fixed bridges and crown. 这是二楼,二楼有修复科和儿科。修复科主要是镶假牙科室,可以做全口总义齿,局部义齿和固定冠桥。