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美['fægəˌsoʊm]  英['fægəsəʊm]
n.  [生]吞噬小体
sp.  吞噬体.


  1. Intracellular [Ca2+]i rose to a higher level during initial phagosome formation. 在吞噬体形成时,巨噬细胞内钙离子上升到较高的水平。
  2. For the first time, using a systems biology approach, they hae deeloped a model that facilitates the study of the function of the phagosome. 他们首次采用系统的生物学方法创建了一个研究吞噬小体功能的模型。
  3. The NRAMP1 exists in the membrane of phagosome and can restrict the bacterial duplication by changing the internal environment of the phagosome pusule. Nramp1存在于吞噬小体膜上,通过改变微生物的吞噬体液泡内环境来控制细菌的复制。
  4. The phagosome is the organelle responsible for the destruction of infectious pathogens that cause such diseases as tuberculosis and salmonellosis, as well as pathogens that could be used in bioterrorism. 吞噬小体是一种细胞器,其功能是消灭侵入人体的传染性病原体,这些病原体能够引起诸如结核病和沙门氏菌病等,故能够被用作生物恐怖行动。
  5. There were lots of phagosome in sensitive varitices and lots of transitional vesicle in resistant varitices.The transitional vesicle were closed related to repair-deficiency of cell membrane. 感病品种中产生了大量的吞噬体,抗病品种中产生了大量用于修复细胞膜的高尔基小泡和质膜体。
  6. There were many dense lysosomes and phagosomes of various shape and size in the cytoplasm of macrophage .Occasionary profile of bacteria or its residues could be seen in the phagosome. 透射电镜下巨噬细胞胞质内可见较大的初级溶酶体和大量形态各异、大小不等的次级溶酶体和板层样膜状结构的吞噬体(即杜诺凡小体),偶见吞噬体内有菌体剖面或其残片。