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美['fɑːməkəl]  英['fɑːməkəl]
adj.  配药学的;调药的


  1. The nanometer pharmacy will have a dramatic effect on pharmacal industry. 说明了纳米药物对药物制剂学有着深远的影响。
  2. It is used for sieving of fine particles and mealiness materials in salt,food,chemical,pharmacal,and grain industries. 可用于制盐、食品、化工、制药、粮食等行业对细粒、粉状物料的干式筛分。
  3. Taizhou jiaojiang Xingcheng Pharmacal co.ltd is a manufacturer specialize in producing raw material and intermedia . 台州市椒江星成医药化工有限公司是一家专业生产经营原料药及中间体的医药化工企业。
  4. This paper introduced the identification,chemical components,pharmac eutical actions and clinical application of the stings of Gleditsia sinensis Lam . 介绍了皂角刺在鉴别、化学成分、药理作用及临床应用等方面的研究现状。
  5. The result shows that the modified lead compounds can decrease the toxicity and side effect efficiently, and enhance the pharmacal effect. 从单糖、二糖和寡糖、多糖三个层面,分别对糖及其衍生物与先导化合物的键合方式、经过结构修饰的先导化合物的生物活性变化作了综述。
  6. Chemotherapy Drugs must be on the Pharmac Schedule and Pharmac Approved, as defined in the Terms and Conditions. 化疗药物必须于政府核准之药学的注册内,如条款所定义的。