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美['feɪzˌaʊt]  英['feɪzaʊt]
n.  逐渐停止;逐步结束


  1. In 1969, the Nixon administration announced a halt to residential use of the pesticide DDT as part of a total phaseout. 1969年的今天,作为分阶段全面禁用杀虫剂DDT的开始,尼克松政府宣布停止居民使用DDT。
  2. These changes will "harmonize" the U.S. phaseout of methyl bromide with the Montreal Protocol phaseout schedule. 这些改变将使美国停止使用甲基及溴化物的最后期限与蒙特利尔议定书的最后期限向“一致”。
  3. However, the industry may have to pay a higher price for tobacco once the phaseout begins. 不过,一旦开始逐步停止烟草种植后,烟草业可能必须为烟草支付更高的价格。
  4. The U.S. phaseout of lead in gasoline was completed in 1996;similar Bans are Being implemented worldwide. 1996年美国完成了含铅汽油的逐步淘汰,世界各地也正在实施类似的禁令。
  5. The EPA will control the supply of methyl bromide until the phaseout;however, the distribution will be controlled by the marketplace. 环保局将控制甲基溴化物的生产直到完全终止使用,然而该物质的分配流转将由市场来决定。
  6. If the CFC phaseout proceeds on schedule, the atmosphere should start repairing itself by the year 2000, say scientists. 科学家表示,如果淘汰氟利昂制冷剂能按照进度达成,到2000年时大气层应能开始自我修复。