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美['fiːnəˌkrɪst]  英['fiːnəˌkrɪst]
n.  斑晶


  1. Crypto-explosive breccia structures were well developed.The diameter of prisms is in proportion to the size of micro-fabric phenocryst. 通过对柱状节理流纹岩成分及结构构造的研究,表明本区的流纹岩柱体直径与其对应的显微组构斑晶大小成正比例相关。
  2. Theearly stage comprises fine grain adamellite and medium coarse grained porphyritic adamel-lite,while the late stage, it consists of medium grain adamellite with huge phenocryst. 早期由细粒二长花岗岩、含斑中粗粒二长花岗岩构成; 晚期由斑状中粗粒二长花岗岩、巨斑状中粒二长花岗岩构成。
  3. The two series have different types of phenocryst, chemical composition, trace element pattern and ratio of isotopic element, but they show similar REE patterns. 两者在斑晶类型、主元素和微量元素丰度和同位素比值等方面都存在区别,但显示了相同的稀土元素分配型式。
  4. The chalcopyrite crystals in quartz phenocryst fluid inclusions indicate the high concentration of ore metals in the inclusions rather than the beginning of copper mineralization. 冈底斯成矿带内斑岩铜矿的成矿始于岩浆期后高温阶段,随后的高_中温热液阶段是流体大量沉淀矿质的重要时期。
  5. In order to determine the time sequence of recent eruption in Tianchi volcano, the TL thermal-stability has been investigated for pumice and sanidine phenocryst within the volcanics. 为厘定天池火山近代喷发的时序,对碱流岩中的浮岩和透长石斑晶进行了热释光(TL)信号热稳定性研究。
  6. rapakivi -textured K -feldspar phenocryst 环斑结构钾长石似斑晶