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美  英
n.  腓利门书


  1. (Greek mythology) a simple countryman who offered hospitality to Zeus and Hermes when they came to earth without revealing their identities in order to test people's piety
  2. (New Testament) a Christian (probably living in Colossae) whose slave escaped and went to see Saint Paul
  3. a New Testament book containing an epistle from Saint Paul to Philemon asking Philemon to forgive the slave for escaping


  1. He may have been the son of Philemon and Apphia. 他可能是腓利门和亚腓亚的儿子,在老底嘉教会担任牧者一职。
  2. The letter to Philemon illustrates this idea. 在保罗给腓利门的书信中,点明了这个观念。
  3. Psychologically, Philemon represents superior insight to Jung. 从心理角度看,腓利门代表了高于容格的洞察力。
  4. He was an unfaithful servant when he fled from his master Philemon. 他是个不忠心的奴仆,从主人腓利门那里逃跑了。
  5. He asked Philemon to receive Onesimus back as a brother (v.16). 他请求腓利门接纳阿尼西母,如同自己的弟兄(第16节)。
  6. He talks with Philemon as old friends talk: kindly but to the point. 他跟腓利门谈话,就像两个老朋友交谈一样,亲切到了极点。