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美[fɒs'fætɪk]  英[fɒs'fætɪk]
adj.  磷酸盐的;含磷酸盐的


  1. The new comprehensive utilization technology of phosphatic dolomite is discussed. 论述了含磷白云石的综合利用新工艺。
  2. Methods of direct prodction of phosphoric acid from the phosphatic rock are described. 本文介绍了采用阴离子交换树脂,从磷矿石中直接制取磷酸的方法。
  3. Uses: In the flotation phosphatic rock, fluor, scheelite, wolframit, ilmenite et.al.minerals in a good collector. 用途:是一种优良的捕收剂,可用来浮选磷灰石,萤石、白钨、黑钨、钛铁矿等矿物。
  4. The mutagenicity of medical materials of bioglass and phosphatic rock was studied by doing mouse marrow micromuleus test. 采用啮齿类动物微核试验对医用生物玻璃材料和磷灰石材料的浸提液进行诱变性检测。
  5. In this experiment, it was proved that medical materials (bioglass and phosphatic rock) would not induce increase of micronucleus. 表明各剂量组的浸提液无诱发小鼠骨髓细胞微核增加作用。
  6. The electrochemical behaviours of paeonol on different solid electrodes were studied by cyclic voltammetry in alkaline phosphat buffer solution. 研究了在碱性磷酸盐缓冲溶液体系中,丹皮酚在固体电极上的电化学吸附氧化行为。