We are still very far from explaining how photochrome acts on a cellular or molecular level. 关于光敏色素怎样在细胞水平或分子水平上发生作用,我们现在还远远不能解释。
A photochrom from the late 19th century showing two peddlers selling milk from a dogcart near Brussels, Belgium. 上图是反映19世纪末两个小贩在比利时布鲁塞尔出售狗拉车上的牛奶的彩色复原照。
On the basis of this system, with the features of bio" photochrome the stochasticity of photocycle is studied from the theory of simple stochastic process. 在此基础上,从简单随机过程理论着手,逐步深入,结合生物光色素系统的特点,对该系统光循环的随机特性进行了研究。
On Causes of Affecting the Processing Technology of Aerial Survey Photography Photochrome 影响航测摄影彩色像片处理工艺的因素探讨