printing from an intaglio plate prepared by photographic methods
an intaglio print produced by gravure
using photography to produce a plate for printing
A printing defect occurred in photogravure. 照相凹版的一种印刷故障。
Speckle: A printing defect occurred in photogravure. 白点:照相凹版的一种印刷故障。
How to Position Sheet-fed Photogravure Press in Demestic Market? 单张纸凹印机在我国市场中究竟应该如何定位?
Prepares cylinders and plates for photogravure printing, or sets up and operates sheet and web-fed gravure machines. 制作凹版滚筒及印版或准备及操作单张或卷筒给纸凹版印刷。
To be sold in China as well as in Hong Kong on June 12, the stamps will be printed in photogravure by The House of Questa Limited, United Kingdom. 这套邮票将以照相凹版方式印刷,由英国昆斯塔印刷股份有限公司承印,定于6月12日在香港及内地同时发行。
I want to handle with identity cards to fill out the forms required in photogravure. 要本人去办理,带身份证,要填写表格,还需要照相。