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美[ˌfoʊtoʊ'sɪnθeɪt]  英[fəʊtə'sɪnθeɪt]
n.  [生化]光合物;光合作用的产物


  1. Photosynth trawls the internet for digital photos of a place or object. Photosynth可以在网络上搜罗关于一个地方或一个物体的数码相片。
  2. Abstract: The translocation and distribution of photosynthate in dendrobe were studied by using14C. 摘 要: 用14C示踪技术研究了金钗石斛光合产物运转与分配的变化。
  3. The result shows tha t the photosynthate and the water from xylem transportation in phloem are closel y interrelated. 同化物分子和水分子在韧皮部的运输存在多速率现象。
  4. The photosynthate in phloem transports by liquid f orm and the water of the liquid mainly comes from the xylem. 结果表明,同化物在韧皮部中以液流形式运输,液流中的水主要来源于木质部;
  5. More photosynthate was translated to grains after flowering, and the flow was efficient form the source to sink. 株叶型配置好,透光率强,消光系数小,叶绿素含量高,光合产物积累量大,尤其是抽穗至成熟期光合作用能力强,粒叶比高;
  6. The proportion of photosynthate distributed to organs was also changed with light intensity. 同时遮荫还改变物质运输分配到各器官的比例。