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美['freɪtrɪ]  英['freɪtrɪ]
n.  氏族;宗族分支
  形容词:phratric  名词复数:phratries


  1. people descended from a common ancestor;

    "his family has lived in Massachusetts since the Mayflower"


  1. Even the later state, while it ignored the gens, left certain public offices in the hands of the phratry. 甚至以后的轻视氏族的国家,也给胞族保留下了若干公共的行政性的职能。
  2. Originally no Seneca was allowed to marry within his phratry, but this restriction has long since become obsolete and is now confined to the gens. 塞讷卡人起初在胞族内也不能通婚,但是这种习俗久已废除了,如今只限于氏族。
  3. As we have said, ten gentes formed a phratry, which among the Romans was called a curia and had more important public functions than the Greek phratry. 我们已经说过,10个氏族构成一个胞族,胞族在这里叫作库里亚,它有着比希腊胞族更重要的社会职能。
  4. Gens, phratry, and tribe are all groups of different degrees of consanguinity, each self-contained and ordering its own affairs, but each supplementing the other. 这三种集团代表着不同层次的血缘亲属关系,并且它们之中每个都是闭关自守,各管各的事情,但是又互相补充。
  5. At the death of prominent persons the opposite phratry saw to the interment and the burial ceremonies, while the phratry of the dead person attended as mourners. (4)在重要人物死亡时,对方胞族办理安葬和丧礼,而死者胞族的成员则以死者的近亲服丧人资格参与葬仪。
  6. But anyone not a member of the phratry or tribe was, of course, excluded from taking any part in this administration, even though living in the district. 但是那些住在胞族或部落的地区内而不属于这个胞族或部落的人,自然是不能参与这种管理的。