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美[ˌfɪziːoʊpə'θɒlədʒiː]  英[fɪzɪəʊpə'θɒlədʒɪ]
n.  [医]病理生理学
  形容词:physiopathologic  名词:physiopathologist


  1. According to the physiopathology of mastopathy, the treatment of mastopathy by dealing with the heart was applied. 根据乳房的生理病理,探讨从心论治乳病。
  2. Objectives: To study the physiopathology of bilirubin in the patients with obstructive jaundice. 目的:探讨不同的胆道引流手术对梗阻性黄疸病人胆红素的病理生理变化。
  3. New mode of pharmacological experiments was constructed by recombining the overlapping contents of pharmacology,physiology and physiopathology. 将药理学与生理学、病理生理学实验课的重复内容经过重组,构建新型的药理学实验。
  4. Objective: To establish the model of pneumonedema in rabbits,explore the physiopathology and hyperfine structure of pneumonedema and research responsive pharmacotherapy. 肺水肿是指肺血管内液体渗入肺间质和肺泡,使肺血管外液量增多的病理状态。
  5. The mechanism of apoptosis is not clear right now.Further study of dental pulp cell apoptosis will have a positive impact on dental pulp physiopathology. 关于牙髓程序性细胞死亡的相关研究不多,机制也尚不清楚,因此对其进行研究将会对牙髓的生理病理学产生深远的意义。
  6. In recent years,the pathogenesis &physiopathology of the heart failure was recognized deeply, and the ways of curing heart failure have made great progress. 近年来,随着人们对心力衰竭发病机理和病理生理改变认识的深入,心力衰竭治疗方法上有了很大改变,已经不再是单纯的强心,利尿,扩血管治疗。